CANSUPPORT ( runs India’s largest home based palliative care programs. At any given time, the home care teams are caring for 2000 patients, along with Daycare and Outpatient Clinic programs.

Now in its twelfth year, TSP’s partnership with CanSupport has resulted in the development of an adaptive, holistic approach to palliative care for cancer patients and their families, —TSP’s Relaxation Therapeutic Health Exercise Program©, or RTHEP©, created by Zuleikha. As an integral part of CanSupport’s services, teams of doctors, nurses and social workers visit homebound cancer patients and families. Through RTHEP©, Zuleikha trains groups of Home Care nurses, social workers and doctors how to relieve suffering through movement while being sensitive to their patients’ pain, mobility and emotional well-being. She also trains nurses in self-care, and provides direct services to patients and families. In 2013, Zuleikha received first Place in Free Abstracts at the Indian Association of Palliative Care Conference, an official recognition award for her RTHEP© program. TSP/CanSupport partnership now includes: RTHEP© programs for teenagers, children and parents, and adults at the new Day Care Center; Outpatient Clinic work; Home Care Patients; and ongoing trainings for Home Care Teams.